Thursday, December 13, 2007

eagle vs. shark

i don't know if you've ever seen eagle vs. shark, but you should. it's a new zealand film that was played at places like the angelika sometime during late summer. i watched it last week with rusty, and we both thought it was basically awesome. here are some tunes/sound clips from the movie. enjoy.

Lily-The Happiest Man (Spoken Word)
Age Pryor and the Marvellous Medicine-I Don't Want (Original Version)
Jarrod-Justice is Waiting (Spoken Word)
The Phoenix Foundation-Apples and Tangerines (Original Version)
[buy album] [myspace]

i know the website makes it look like it might be like napoleon dynamite. it's not.

in a nutshell, it's a story about love. a story about sticking by someone when it sucks. or when everything ((including that person)) tells you not to. a story of being unworthy yet loved. it's just...a good movie. according to amazon, it comes out on dvd january 8th. i don't know if blockbuster will have it or not. but you should try and find a way to watch it with a friend. it's worth it.

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